Exclusively at Gestam: the Mimolette. First came about in the 17th century and originally an imitation of the Edam Cheese, or more like a double Edam Cheese.
Exclusively at Gestam: the mimolette. First came about in the 17th century and originally an imitation of the Edam Cheese, or more like a double Edam Cheese. Did the French come up with this one, or was it the Dutch. You get it: the Mimolette is a monument of a quarrel that has gone on for centuries, but also of good taste. Fact is, that the Mimolette (also called red Commission Cheese) has a bright orange sphere shape of approximately 3.5kg with a gorgeous fresh and mild taste.
Reason enough for Gestam and the producer Klaver Kaas (Clover Cheese) preserve this characteristic cheese. These cheeses are made in an old artisanal way from pure North Holland cheese; the curd is cut and manually placed in the cheese sieves. Like all artisanal products with character: the cheese is delicious as a young cheese, but gets even better with age by letting it mature for 12 to 18 months on our robust wooden cheese boards.
Mimolette young

This cheese characterises itself by its red dairy.
Age: Young
Fat content: 40%
Weight: approx. 3.8 kg
Mimolette mature

This cheese characterises itself by its red dairy.
Age: Mature
Fat content: 40%
Weight: approx. 3.5 kg
Mimolette old

This cheese characterises itself by its red dairy.
Age: Old
Fat content: 40%
Weight: approx. 3.2 kg